Meeting documents

Devon County Council - Committee Report

Code No: PTE/13/45

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North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee

11 June 2013

Market and Coastal Towns Rural 'Foundation' Programme

Joint Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment and of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste

Please note that the following recommendation is subject to consideration and determination by the Committee before taking effect.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Committee notes the funding provisions which have been included in report PTE/12/24 Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026: Proposed Programme 2012/13 to 2014/15 for Devon.

1. Summary

The report summarises the proposed local schemes programme for the Market and Coastal Towns and Rural Devon Foundation element of the Local Transport Plan Integrated Block for 2013/14 in the North Devon area.

2. Background/Introduction

Cabinet agreed a three year Local Transport Plan Integrated Block programme in December 2011. Since then there have been a number of new transport infrastructure funding opportunities from the Government. Bids requiring match funding have been submitted to the Local Pinch Point Fund and Linking Communities (Cycling in National Parks) fund. The results of these bids are expected to be announced in June. A revised Integrated Block programme, taking account of any successful bids, will then be submitted to Cabinet for approval at its July meeting. The revised programme will then be brought before this committee at its October meeting.

The indicative programme of local schemes is outlined below. The precise amount of funding available is subject to confirmation at the July Cabinet meeting. Any larger schemes within the area will be included in this report. All 'non-maintenance' schemes included in the Local Transport Plan have been assessed against the twin priorities of economic growth and carbon reduction whilst also achieving other wider objectives relating to the environment, health and well-being and communities.

The programme list includes an element of 'over-programming' should there be a delay in delivering particular schemes.

Sources of funding for the programme come from central government, the Invest in Devon programme and external sources, including Section 106 developer contributions.

3. Summary of Programme for the North Devon Area for 2013/14

Local Schemes

2013/14 Market and Coastal Towns Rural Devon Foundation: Local Schemes

Provisional Schemes

Scheme Details

Preliminary Estimate

Aids to Movement: District wide

Provision of dropped kerbs, etc. to facilitate movement for those with mobility difficulties


Blakes Hill Road, Landkey

Provision of Zebra Crossing


Estimated Year 2 Expenditure


The 2013/14 programme is the second of a three year programme. The programme is subject to regular review and may change to ensure that objectives are being met and that value for money is being achieved. Typically, additional new schemes may be identified and added if considered to be of a higher priority.

A summary of progress in Year 1 (2012/13) of the programme is shown below.

2012/13 Market and Coastal Towns Rural Foundation: Local Schemes

Schemes reported to Hatoc

Scheme Details


Lynton Bottom Meadow Car Park

Contribution to Town Council towards construction of a Bus shelter


Aids to Movement

Provision of dropped kerbs, etc. to facilitate movement for those with mobility difficulties


Bus Shelter at Station Road, Morthoe

Local consultation indicated that the scheme was not required


Barnstaple Town Centre Moving Traffic Regulation Order

Scheme not yet completed. 24k expenditure in 2012/13 with a further 20k of funding available in 2013/14 to complete the scheme.


Year 1 Expenditure


Market and Coastal Towns Rural Devon 'Foundation' Programme Larger Schemes

This programme will be confirmed in July as noted earlier in the report.

Market and Coastal Towns and Rural Devon Targeted Capital Investment Programme

The Targeted Capital Investment (TCI) programme is targeted at schemes that open up economic growth, particularly where it is essential to enabling new development. Schemes will be progressed through design and planning stages to be ready for construction as internal and external funds are identified.

A bid has been submitted to the Government's Local Pinch Point Fund for an improvement to the A39 roundabout at Roundswell, facilitating employment and housing growth in the area (identified in the emerging North Devon Local Plan) as well as dealing with existing congestion issues.

This programme will also continue design work on junction improvements along the A361/A39 corridor to facilitate growth identified in the emerging Local Plan. Borners Bridge junction on the A361 at South Molton is also part of this design programme.

Countywide Foundation Programme

North Devon will also benefit from the planned investment in bus services across Devon through the introduction real time information over the next two years. Real time information on bus running should be available by the end of 2014/15.

4. Sustainability Considerations

The objectives and strategies of the Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan aim to improve travel choices and reduce unnecessary use of the private car as a contribution to improving Devon's environmental, social and economic well being.

5. Carbon Impact Considerations

The programmes in this report have been designed bearing in mind the effect on carbon emissions and overall have a positive impact.

6. Equality Considerations

An Equality Impact and Needs Assessment (EINA) was undertaken for the Local Transport Plan 2006-2011, which set out the 2010/11 programmes. No negative impacts were identified.

7. Legal Considerations

There are no specific legal considerations arising from this report. Specific considerations arising from individual schemes will be reported as part of the scheme approval process.

8. Risk Management Considerations

The programmes have been designed to maximise their deliverability taking into account factors such as land acquisition.

Risks associated with individual schemes will be reported as part of the scheme approval process.

9. Public Health Impact

The proposals are designed to help make Devon a place to be Safe and Naturally Active in a sustainable and low carbon environment. Walking and cycling schemes help to promote an active lifestyle. Using bus services also encourages greater levels of walking activity.

10. Options/Alternatives

The programmes set out in this report have been developed to maximise the efficiency of transport across all modes, whilst following the principles of the strategies set out in the Local Transport Plan. The programmes are under continuous review to reflect transport need and changing circumstances.

11. Reason for Recommendation/Conclusion

The recommendations promoted in this report have followed the principles and objectives set out in the Local Transport Plan. The programme proposed in this report continues the implementation of the agreed objectives throughout the North Devon area as part of the Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026.

David Black

Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

David Whitton

Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste

Electoral Divisions: All North Devon

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Andrew Ardley

Room No. AB2 Lucombe House

Tel No: (01392) 383528

Background Paper


File Reference



sc/cr/market coastal towns rural foundation programme

03 hq 030613